Discover the Fascinating World of Historical Memorabilia Collecting with Illinois Button Society
Welcome to the Illinois Button Society website. We are dedicated to sharing our passion for historical memorabilia collecting with society members and button collectors. Here, we highlight events, awards, and board members who share our love for this unique hobby.

Our Story
As a society of passionate collectors, we have come together to share our knowledge and love of historical memorabilia. Our mission is to educate and inspire others to join us in exploring the rich history of these unique and fascinating items. We believe that every button and piece of memorabilia has a story to tell, and we are excited to share those stories with you.
Our Education
Button Collecting Course
As a society, we are committed to learning as much as we can about the history and value of historical memorabilia. We offer ongoing courses and workshops on button collecting and other aspects of historical memorabilia collecting.
Expert Speakers
Throughout the Year
We bring in expert speakers from around the world to share their knowledge and expertise on historical memorabilia. From antique buttons to political memorabilia, our speakers cover a wide range of topics to help us all become better collectors.
Our Members
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